Discover Weather-Based Risks and Opportunities
Before the Rest of the Market
CropProphet US grain yield forecasts quantify the impact of weather on grain crop yield and production to help you maximize grain market opportunities while managing weather risk.
Our machine-learning based model combines 40 years of weather and crop data to create a superior crop yield/production forecasting system.
With CropProphet’s easy to use web interface, you will never have to guess the impact of weather on crop yields:
- Convert observed weather and forecast data into yield/production impacts. You don’t have to guess the impact of weather on crop yields.
- Keep you up to date – the forecasts are updated daily in an easy to use, web-based interface.
- Provide weather analytics and information used to create the forecasts.
See CropProphet in Action
2012 was an extremely warm and dry year across much of the central United States, resulting in a great test case for corn yield forecast evaluation.
Watch the animation to see the evolution of the 2012 CropProphet forecast.