CropProphet FAQ Documentation
Please, select the following link to download the CropProphet frequently asked questions (FAQ) PDF documentation: CropProphet FAQ
CropProphet Product Documentation
CropProphet Enterprise
CropProphet Enterprise is the web-based tool that provides crop weather risk and indices information for the world’s major grain exporting regions. The following links provide access to available CropProphet Enterprise documentation. Click each link to download the respective document:
CropProphet Modeler
CropProphet Modeler provides extensive histories of grain yield forecasts to enable systematic grain commodity trading. Below is a list of all available documentation for CropProphet Modeler. Click each link to download the respective document:
CropProphet Point-in-Time Forecast API for Agriculture
Below is a list of all available documentation for the CropProphetPiT Forecast API for Agriculture. Click each link to download the respective document:
CropProphet Model Guide
This document offers an overview of each weather model utilized in CropProphet products: CP_Wx_Forecast_Model_Guide
CropProphet HTTPS Image Service
CropProphet regional weather content is available as PNG images delivered via HTTPS. The following file contains documentation for the CropProphet HTTPS Image Service: CropProphet HTTPS Image Service Documentation