The mission of CropProphet is to quantify the impact weather has on crop yield and production as objectively as possible. The #1 request for product improvement during 2018 while discussing our mission with customers was to add ECWMF analysis. ECMWF is the weather forecast model from the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts. It is widely known as the world’s most accurate weather forecast model, and its forecasts move markets.
CropProphet is being enhanced in two ways for 2019 to address the request. The first is that ECMWF model forecast data is used as input to our crop yield and production forecast models. This allows you to quantify the impact of the weather models on the crop yield forecast. It is accessible now in CropProphet Enterprise under “Forecasts” and selecting the 15-Day ECMWF model.
The second enhancement is the release of weather model forecast visualization of the median of the ECMWF ensemble (along with parallel products for NOAA’s GFS ensemble and NOAA’s Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) for 30 days).
This functionality will be added by 8 AM US Eastern Time on Friday, May 24th. It will be accessible in CropProphet Enterprise under “Weather.”